Sorry, the first version of this post had (at least one) broken link, lets try this again…
Happy New Year, dear reader! Where to begin? A lot of crazy stuff happened in the chess world in the past two weeks, but most of it is old news by now. Those of you who are interested are already up on who got a Candidates seat (and how), know that Magnus is still amazing at chess, and you are probably also aware of any footwear transgressions that took place in Uzbekistan. It’s time to look forward.
Tata Steel is one week away and most of you probably have not yet even broken your chess-related news years resolutions! We have all sorts of informative chess-related articles to share with you. Here they are:
Chess Improvement
IM Junta Ikeda shares some lessons learned in 2023. “No matter what your level, working on tactics/calculation regularly is essential.” (Infinite Chess)
Here is another “2023 in Review” Post- Nick Visel on everything he studied and reviewed. Lots to dig into here! (Nick Plays Chess)
Dan Bock and FM Nate Solon have made a web app that shows you the positions you spent the most time on. (The Chess Improvement Lab)
Martin Justesen and FM Nate Solon are collaborating on a new learning cohort, The Chess Gym- It launches today! (Say Chess Blog)
David Hamm on his resolution to move away from rating-based goals. (LiChess Blog)
GM Abhimanyu Mishra annotated his beautiful 2023 win over Ivanchuk for the NIC Blog (NIC Blog)
Chess News
At the World Cup, GM Jan-Kryzstof Duda refused to shake hands with Putin supporter, GM Denis Khrismatullin. NM Anthony Levin provides more context and background on this decision and how the Ukraine-Russia conflict is impacting the chess world. ( News)
In case you are awakening from a long, eggnog-induced slumber, FM Dennis Monokroussos runs down some of the recent crazy chess news (The Chess Mind)
… And JJ Lang covers a bunch more recent tournaments, with more of an emphasis on some of the bigger recent American tournaments (Chess Life Online)
FIDE will start a new tournament in June- a “World Cup” style youth championship event (Chessbase India)
Did you miss some of the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz? FM Dennis Monokroussos shares 20 Annotated/Lightly Annotated Games from the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz (The Chess Mind)
MVL wrote a blog post recounting his recent chess escapades in North America, and discussing the recent Candidates qualification drama “For many years now, with each qualification cycle, we have seen the rules changed and controversy accumulate. This has to stop, and in my opinion, the creation of a special commission to scrutinize qualification methods for the Candidates would certainly not be a luxury, but rather a necessity imposed by circumstances.” (MVL’s Blog)
Misc. announced its annual awards. Congrats to all of the winners! ( News)